Dry Forest Program Colombia


The objective of this program in Colombia is to save the last dry forests of which only 8% of the initial area have survived.

The program seeks to roll out agroforestry projects as a means of preserving the Colombian dry forest, adapting to climate change and providing alternative economic and food solutions to farming populations of African descent and/or who have been displaced. 

We plant, among other species, the Maya Nut Tree, a tree which is beneficial for biodiversity, soil and water source regeneration, generating alternative sources of revenue and food.  

This programme has also enabled the development of the Tamandúa solidarity brand of forest products.

Agroecology includes a belief in respect for the environment and a vision of a more inclusive social order. This is why Envol Vert thinks this program with a strategy that allows not only the inclusion of women in the projects but also the development of their autonomy. As women’s emancipation is complementary to both environmental conservation and economic development, Envol Vert has a strong will to bring coherence without interference in the projects supported by the association.

Immersion in the Dry Forest Program Colombia

Discover the Program in pictures and through the eyes of Baptiste Border, actor, author and environmental activist.

Click on the interactive map to reveal the detail of each of the projects plots, who’s involved and the latest news for each site


June 2020

July 2019

October 2017

July 2016


The actors of the project, participating farmers but also salaried or voluntary workers talk about the project.

Pilot sites

The program has seen the launch of 6 projects in 4 counties along the Colombian Caribbean coast.
Discover here the specificities of each area.

Economic alternatives

For farmers to have a vested interest in preserving the standing forest, the living forest,
we work with them on alternative economic models, we process new products and have even created a new brand “Tamandua”.

Emblematic species

Introducing some of the emblematic species present in the project area.

The vermilion cardinal
(Cardinalis phoeniceus)

The Maya Nut Tree
(Brosimum alicastrum)

The cotton-top tamarin
Saguinus oedipus)

Morpho rhodopteron
(Morpho rodhopteron var. nevadensis)

The cougar
(Puma concolor)

The red-billed parrot
(Pionus sordidus)

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