Published On: 18/07/20242 min read

As environmental actions should be intensified every year, we are disappointed to note a reduction in the country’s environmental policies. But Envol Vert, more than ever, remains mobilised both on the ground and in its advocacy and awareness-raising activities.

A quick overview:

  • In Peru, the Café y Cacao Forestal project has launched a particularly strong training programme that brings together the various project sites, while the RAFIAS (Red Agroforestal de Intercambio y Acción Sostenible) network continues to expand and has launched its first ‘zero deforestation traceability’ pilot. In addition, after 5 years of support, the collaboration with Conservación Amazónica within the Yanayacu Maquia Conservation Concession (CCYM) has come to an end. This project has enabled the conservation of 38,699 hectares of forest and has involved more than 160 participants.

  • In France, the SEVE project has strengthened its links with stakeholders, in particular with 70 forest owners interested in receiving specific support from Envol Vert and the Réseau pour les Alternatives Forestières. In addition, 16 new agroforestry projects were supported under the Au Pré de Mes Arbres programme. A great deal of thought and experimentation was undertaken this year in order to overcome the high price of seedlings and ensure local supplies.

  • In Colombia, while a 4th and final nursery was being built in Socotá, reforestation activities of the dry forest preservation programme continued at the 4 partner sites. This year, the emphasis is on conservation activities and the development of economic alternatives to deforestation. Tamandua, the ethical brand serving local communities, has also made a strategic shift by investing in local markets on the Caribbean coast.

  • In 2023, the Sumate al Bosque festival was once again organised bi-nationally between Peru and Colombia, in 5 cities at the same time, reaching almost 2,200 people. On the other side of the Atlantic, the FAGOT festival (Festival de l’Agroforesterie Occi’Tarnaise) was held for the first time to raise public awareness of agroforestry.

  • The Peruvian Forest Footprint was published in 2023 and amounts to 773m². The report highlights the relationship between national consumption and deforested forest area. 2023 was also the year in which the French forest footprint reference framework (Référentiel Empreinte Forêt France – REFF) was established as a reference methodology to assess the impact of our consumption on deforestation.

In this report we summarise all our actions, present our financial report and the indicators used to evaluate our work.

As environmental actions should be intensified every year, we are disappointed to note a reduction in the country’s environmental policies. But Envol Vert, more than ever, remains mobilised both on the ground and in its advocacy and awareness-raising activities.

A quick overview:

  • In Peru, the Café y Cacao Forestal project has launched a particularly strong training programme that brings together the various project sites, while the RAFIAS (Red Agroforestal de Intercambio y Acción Sostenible) network continues to expand and has launched its first ‘zero deforestation traceability’ pilot. In addition, after 5 years of support, the collaboration with Conservación Amazónica within the Yanayacu Maquia Conservation Concession (CCYM) has come to an end. This project has enabled the conservation of 38,699 hectares of forest and has involved more than 160 participants.

  • In France, the SEVE project has strengthened its links with stakeholders, in particular with 70 forest owners interested in receiving specific support from Envol Vert and the Réseau pour les Alternatives Forestières. In addition, 16 new agroforestry projects were supported under the Au Pré de Mes Arbres programme. A great deal of thought and experimentation was undertaken this year in order to overcome the high price of seedlings and ensure local supplies.

  • In Colombia, while a 4th and final nursery was being built in Socotá, reforestation activities of the dry forest preservation programme continued at the 4 partner sites. This year, the emphasis is on conservation activities and the development of economic alternatives to deforestation. Tamandua, the ethical brand serving local communities, has also made a strategic shift by investing in local markets on the Caribbean coast.

  • In 2023, the Sumate al Bosque festival was once again organised bi-nationally between Peru and Colombia, in 5 cities at the same time, reaching almost 2,200 people. On the other side of the Atlantic, the FAGOT festival (Festival de l’Agroforesterie Occi’Tarnaise) was held for the first time to raise public awareness of agroforestry.

  • The Peruvian Forest Footprint was published in 2023 and amounts to 773m². The report highlights the relationship between national consumption and deforested forest area. 2023 was also the year in which the French forest footprint reference framework (Référentiel Empreinte Forêt France – REFF) was established as a reference methodology to assess the impact of our consumption on deforestation.

In this report we summarise all our actions, present our financial report and the indicators used to evaluate our work.

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