Published On: 26/06/20200.4 min read

After the fires of 2019, in partnership with several Brazilian organizations, we investigated the beef supply chain.

We found a big French name first distributor to have launched 100% vegan/organic stores in France (Naturalia). It realizes 47% of its turnover in South America and is N°1 in sales in Brazil and Colombia: the Casino group.

Discover our investigation and the campaign conducted so that the Casino Group assumes its responsibilities and takes effective measures to fight against deforestation in its supply chain.

After the fires of 2019, in partnership with several Brazilian organizations, we investigated the beef supply chain.

We found a big French name first distributor to have launched 100% vegan/organic stores in France (Naturalia). It realizes 47% of its turnover in South America and is N°1 in sales in Brazil and Colombia: the Casino group.

Discover our investigation and the campaign conducted so that the Casino Group assumes its responsibilities and takes effective measures to fight against deforestation in its supply chain.

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