Published On: 29/10/20211.9 min read

On Saturday 23 October 2021, 5 vans from the four corners of two districts met at the end of the Ipoki river valley, in the buffer zone of the PUI PUI protected forest (equivalent to a natural park). Bringing together students from several universities as well as pupils from different educational institutions, the diverse group numbered more than 60 individuals.

The objective of the day: to plant more than 150 trees, the majority of which are vulnerable or endangered on the IUCN red list, and to celebrate French Volunteer Day. Once the official presentations of the different participating organizations (see details at the end of the article) had been made, the activities began with the presentation of the nine species that will be planted that day and a training session on forest tree planting. Then, divided into 5 groups, each responsible for one or two species, the participants set off along a route of at least 3 kilometers around the school hosting the event and then into a secondary forest in which lines had been prepared for planting by the forest rangers to enrich this area. Following the color code of the species assigned to them, the groups carefully placed their seedlings at the foot of the stakes decorated with a colored band.

Back at the school and after a lunch prepared by the school’s parents’ association, the day ended with a knowledge competition on the species presented that morning in a friendly atmosphere and a filmed session thanking the pupils of Saint Côme et Maruéjols from the Nouvelle Aquitaine region whose participatory budget had made this day possible. Finally, we agreed to set up a long-term partnership agreement between SERNANP, the educational institution of Ayte and Envol Vert in order to support the development of a “Bosque Escuela” (Educational Forest) project in which this participative planting work site was part of.

Participating organisation today: France Volontaire (co-organizer) / Institucion educativa de Aytee (co-organizer and host of the event) / SERNANP – BP Pui Pui (co-organizer) / Institución educativa de San Juan Centro Autiki / La Guilde européenne du raid / Manchay Verde / CPJ- Consejo Provincial De Juventudes-Satipo Rumbo Al Bicentenario / Club Ambiental “kametza Pronatu” / Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la SelvaCentral Juan Santos Atahualpa / Aijopsa Satipo /

On Saturday 23 October 2021, 5 vans from the four corners of two districts met at the end of the Ipoki river valley, in the buffer zone of the PUI PUI protected forest (equivalent to a natural park). Bringing together students from several universities as well as pupils from different educational institutions, the diverse group numbered more than 60 individuals.

The objective of the day: to plant more than 150 trees, the majority of which are vulnerable or endangered on the IUCN red list, and to celebrate French Volunteer Day. Once the official presentations of the different participating organizations (see details at the end of the article) had been made, the activities began with the presentation of the nine species that will be planted that day and a training session on forest tree planting. Then, divided into 5 groups, each responsible for one or two species, the participants set off along a route of at least 3 kilometers around the school hosting the event and then into a secondary forest in which lines had been prepared for planting by the forest rangers to enrich this area. Following the color code of the species assigned to them, the groups carefully placed their seedlings at the foot of the stakes decorated with a colored band.

Back at the school and after a lunch prepared by the school’s parents’ association, the day ended with a knowledge competition on the species presented that morning in a friendly atmosphere and a filmed session thanking the pupils of Saint Côme et Maruéjols from the Nouvelle Aquitaine region whose participatory budget had made this day possible. Finally, we agreed to set up a long-term partnership agreement between SERNANP, the educational institution of Ayte and Envol Vert in order to support the development of a “Bosque Escuela” (Educational Forest) project in which this participative planting work site was part of.

Participating organisation today: France Volontaire (co-organizer) / Institucion educativa de Aytee (co-organizer and host of the event) / SERNANP – BP Pui Pui (co-organizer) / Institución educativa de San Juan Centro Autiki / La Guilde européenne du raid / Manchay Verde / CPJ- Consejo Provincial De Juventudes-Satipo Rumbo Al Bicentenario / Club Ambiental “kametza Pronatu” / Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la SelvaCentral Juan Santos Atahualpa / Aijopsa Satipo /

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