Published On: 28/09/20231.6 min read

The ExpoAmazónica (Amazonian Exhibition) 2023, which took place from 21st to 24th of September 2023 in the region of Huánuco, was an important event this year. It focused on highlighting the vast agricultural, livestock, agro-industrial, artisanal, tourist and natural wealth of the Peruvian jungle. It was organized by the Mancomunidad Regional Amazónica (MRA), an alliance involving the Regional Governments of Loreto, Amazonas, San Martín, Ucayali, Huánuco and Madre de Dios, with the mission of promoting sustainable productive development throughout the country.

Who took part ?

This event was attended by participation at national as well as international level, with more than 600 exhibitors, including 66 exporters from various Peruvian regions such as Cusco, Amazonas, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Junín, Lima, Loreto, Huánuco, Madre de Dios, San Martín and Ucayali. The event was also attended by prominent politicians from different Ministries, such as Transport, Environment, Health, Culture, Women and Vulnerable Populations; Housing, Foreign Trade and Tourism and Produce. The Ministry of Environment was represented by the National Service of Natural Protected Areas by the State (SERNANP) and Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP) and Forest Programme. Around 85,000 people were at the ExpoAmazónica, which underlines the relevance of this fair.

Envol Vert’s contribution

Envol Vert had the opportunity to participate in ExpoAmazónica through a stand, thanks to its partner the Technical Administration of Forests and Forest Fauna (ATFFS) of Huánuco. During the event, Envol Vert introduced sustainable economic alternatives, such as black walnut (Juglans neotropica) and honey from stingless native bees (meliponas), as well as describing the activities carried out in Tingo María and Pichanaki. The Peruvian Forest Footprint was also presented as an awareness-raising tool, explaining the importance of knowing how our consumption can generate deforestation . Visitors were invited to complete questionnaires to find out their forest footprint. The latter is measured in square meters of impacted forest area, and promotes more sustainable practices.

The ExpoAmazónica (Amazonian Exhibition) 2023, which took place from 21st to 24th of September 2023 in the region of Huánuco, was an important event this year. It focused on highlighting the vast agricultural, livestock, agro-industrial, artisanal, tourist and natural wealth of the Peruvian jungle. It was organized by the Mancomunidad Regional Amazónica (MRA), an alliance involving the Regional Governments of Loreto, Amazonas, San Martín, Ucayali, Huánuco and Madre de Dios, with the mission of promoting sustainable productive development throughout the country.

Who took part ?

This event was attended by participation at national as well as international level, with more than 600 exhibitors, including 66 exporters from various Peruvian regions such as Cusco, Amazonas, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Junín, Lima, Loreto, Huánuco, Madre de Dios, San Martín and Ucayali. The event was also attended by prominent politicians from different Ministries, such as Transport, Environment, Health, Culture, Women and Vulnerable Populations; Housing, Foreign Trade and Tourism and Produce. The Ministry of Environment was represented by the National Service of Natural Protected Areas by the State (SERNANP) and Peruvian Amazon Research Institute (IIAP) and Forest Programme. Around 85,000 people were at the ExpoAmazónica, which underlines the relevance of this fair.

Envol Vert’s contribution

Envol Vert had the opportunity to participate in ExpoAmazónica through a stand, thanks to its partner the Technical Administration of Forests and Forest Fauna (ATFFS) of Huánuco. During the event, Envol Vert introduced sustainable economic alternatives, such as black walnut (Juglans neotropica) and honey from stingless native bees (meliponas), as well as describing the activities carried out in Tingo María and Pichanaki. The Peruvian Forest Footprint was also presented as an awareness-raising tool, explaining the importance of knowing how our consumption can generate deforestation . Visitors were invited to complete questionnaires to find out their forest footprint. The latter is measured in square meters of impacted forest area, and promotes more sustainable practices.

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