Published On: 10/10/20232.2 min read

The coffee world in Peru is experiencing a silent but powerful revolution: given by agroforestry. During September 28-29, 2023, Pichanaki hosted the meeting “Innovation Initiatives in Agroforestry in Coffee Cultivation”. This meeting was organized by the Agroforestry Network for Exchange and Sustainable Actions (RAFIAS). RAFIAS is a platform that has been working since 2021 to drive sustainability in the coffee industry. Made up of 16 organizations from civil society, private and public sectors, RAFIAS has become a space for meeting and technical sharing for coffee and forest lovers.

Searching for sustainable solutions

Despite advances in the implementation of agroforestry systems (AFS) in coffee cultivation in the Peruvian Amazon, there is still a lack of systematization of lessons learned and good practices. RAFIAS organized this meeting, with the purpose of sharing experiences, learning and creating synergies between organizations and coffee farmers. These allies share the vision of a sustainable transformation in the coffee industry through agroforestry.


Within this context, 38 persons from 24 organizations in the public, private and civil society sectors participated. In terms of participation, 8 new members were also integrated as part of the RAFIAS driving committee.Therefore, we can highlight the new integration of the academy (UNALM), as well as the association of coffee producers FINKAFE, YPARD, WWF and RIKOLTO. The committee works on the basis of 4 essential work axes to achieve the network’s objectives. These axes are to create a technical platform that unites the public and private sectors to promote sustainable changes ; to transfer and adopt knowledge for the promotion of the AFS and agricultural diversification of coffee farms ; to recognize and fairly reward agriculture under AFS and forest conservation; and, finally, to include women and young people in the coffee sector.

Currently, groups within the network’s steering committee and its participants, are working on technical information and experiences. All these learnings were generated through collaborative and interactive spaces, where we can highlight some preliminary conclusions :

  • Sharing experiences, both positive and negative, is fundamental for learning and strengthening the implementation of agroforestry systems with coffee. The exchange of experiences through activities such as workshops and spaces such as through Field Schools, is essential.
  • The documentation of experiences through key products such as the systematization of experiences and the factors that facilitate or hinder the strengthening of local capacities in the process of implementing AFS, has been a challenge.
  • Learning should be collaborative to strengthen the exchange and learning of the network. Adaptability and adoption of experiences from other regions are key components of learning. Reviewing experiences of other organizations and producers and drawing on research, improves AFS practices at different scales.

The coffee world in Peru is experiencing a silent but powerful revolution: given by agroforestry. During September 28-29, 2023, Pichanaki hosted the meeting “Innovation Initiatives in Agroforestry in Coffee Cultivation”. This meeting was organized by the Agroforestry Network for Exchange and Sustainable Actions (RAFIAS). RAFIAS is a platform that has been working since 2021 to drive sustainability in the coffee industry. Made up of 16 organizations from civil society, private and public sectors, RAFIAS has become a space for meeting and technical sharing for coffee and forest lovers.

Searching for sustainable solutions

Despite advances in the implementation of agroforestry systems (AFS) in coffee cultivation in the Peruvian Amazon, there is still a lack of systematization of lessons learned and good practices. RAFIAS organized this meeting, with the purpose of sharing experiences, learning and creating synergies between organizations and coffee farmers. These allies share the vision of a sustainable transformation in the coffee industry through agroforestry.


Within this context, 38 persons from 24 organizations in the public, private and civil society sectors participated. In terms of participation, 8 new members were also integrated as part of the RAFIAS driving committee.Therefore, we can highlight the new integration of the academy (UNALM), as well as the association of coffee producers FINKAFE, YPARD, WWF and RIKOLTO. The committee works on the basis of 4 essential work axes to achieve the network’s objectives. These axes are to create a technical platform that unites the public and private sectors to promote sustainable changes ; to transfer and adopt knowledge for the promotion of the AFS and agricultural diversification of coffee farms ; to recognize and fairly reward agriculture under AFS and forest conservation; and, finally, to include women and young people in the coffee sector.

Currently, groups within the network’s steering committee and its participants, are working on technical information and experiences. All these learnings were generated through collaborative and interactive spaces, where we can highlight some preliminary conclusions :

  • Sharing experiences, both positive and negative, is fundamental for learning and strengthening the implementation of agroforestry systems with coffee. The exchange of experiences through activities such as workshops and spaces such as through Field Schools, is essential.
  • The documentation of experiences through key products such as the systematization of experiences and the factors that facilitate or hinder the strengthening of local capacities in the process of implementing AFS, has been a challenge.
  • Learning should be collaborative to strengthen the exchange and learning of the network. Adaptability and adoption of experiences from other regions are key components of learning. Reviewing experiences of other organizations and producers and drawing on research, improves AFS practices at different scales.

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