Every year, during the first week of November, the National Forest Week is celebrated throughout Peru, particularly in the Amazon region, with various activities: training, awareness-raising, reforestation, forums and various activities for the preservation of forests, native communities and the flora and fauna of Peru. This event is organised by the municipalities with the public actors working on forest resources, and civil society actors from the territories are invited. It is an event open to the public during which decisions on forest conservation can be taken.
The Envol Vert team actively participated in the activities that took place during the National Forest Week in Pichanaki and Tingo Maria, given its main objective and mission: the preservation and conservation of Peruvian forests.
Activities in Tingo Maria
On Thursday 31 October 2024 the forest week was opened with a speech by the committee and a mystical ceremony in the Botanical Garden of the UNAS (Universidad Agraria de la Selva). Among those present were the local press, the ATFFS (Forestry and Wildlife Technical Administration), the professional schools of the UNAS (Renewable Natural Resources, Environment, Forestry), the regional directorate of agriculture and CIMA (Cordillera Azul). It was a magical moment of connection with Pachamama, led by the professor in anthropology of the UNAS (Dr Casiano Aguirre) and the representative of the Bena Jema community. It allowed the public to make a payment to the earth, to reconnect to their roots, and to make a wish to the grandfather tree which is the Ojé. It was also a moment of commitment to the protection of nature.
The National Forest Forum 2024, held in Tingo Maria on 4 November, highlighted the need to strengthen actions against forest fires and promote sustainable forest management. In this framework, Envol Vert stood out with a detailed presentation on the European Union’s Zero Deforestation Law (EU-CEFD), highlighting its challenges and opportunities to curb forest loss in the region.
Through its pilot project implemented in the Peruvian Central Rainforest, Envol Vert presented an innovative methodology that combines training, monitoring and traceability to support small coffee producers. Envol Vert highlighted the strict requirements of European regulations, such as legality and geolocation of plots, and the impact these can have on local producers. We also emphasised the need for economic incentives and technical support to prevent the exclusion of farmers from the European market, highlighting the importance of responsible consumption that integrates sustainable and equitable solutions. A total of 30 people (16 men and 14 women) participated in the conference.
On Tuesday 5 November, an awareness-raising activity was held for young people in the community of Jacintillo. During the day, the interactive game ‘SAF vs Monocultures’ was used. In the game, two drawings were presented: one represented a monoculture and the other an agroforestry system. Through the activity, the young people understood that agroforestry systems not only promote economic diversification, but also contribute to the fight against climate change by taking advantage of the natural resources of the environment. A total of 50 young people participated.
On the 6th of November, the II Meeting of Entrepreneurs was held in the College of Engineers of Tingo MarÃa, in which Envol Vert participated with the presentation ‘Experience of the NGO Envol Vert in the creation of economic alternatives in the forest – Case of native bee honey entrepreneurs’. For this presentation, the beneficiary of the project Pedro Pablo Riofrio Calixto was invited to tell his experience as a participant in the Envol Vert project. A total of 20 people attended, including 12 women and 8 men.
On Thursday 7th November, a reforestation activity took place in the surroundings of the Mystic Lake, which suffered a fire a few months ago. Together with the ATFFS team and forestry engineering students from the Universidad Agraria de la Selva, 160 cedar, mahogany and bolaina seedlings were planted. The reforestation of this area will allow the preservation of the lagoon and its fauna.
Maximo and Chloé in Laguna Mistica © Gobierno de Huánuco
From Thursday 7 to Sunday 10 November, the Tingo MarÃa team participated in FICAFÉ, with two stands. One of them was dedicated to raising public awareness (with different dynamics: forest footprint, SuperBosque, and SAF vs Monoculture). The other stand sold the first harvest of native honey and some of our farmers’ products. Mr. Juan Gomez, a native bee honey farmer, was present and managed to sell all his products. Mr. Jemilson also participated with his son, who were selling the products of the Santa Lucia cooperative.
Activities in Pichanaki
On Monday 4th November the Pichanaki forest week started with its launch in the square. Present were representatives of different institutions such as SERFOR (Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre), INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agronómica), the municipality, the mayor, and representatives of native communities. After the speeches and formalities, there was a short dance initiated by the visitors from the villages.
Opening ceremony of the National Forest Week in Pichanaki
On Tuesday 5 November, the Envol Vert team supported the organisation and logistics of a drawing competition organised by an after-school activities association in Pichanaki. The 25 participants, aged 6 to 12, drew their pictures on the theme of the forest. The winners of the best drawings were awarded artistic material as prizes. For the Envol Vert team, it was an opportunity to sound out the children of Pichanaki about their knowledge of the forest.
Children with the drawings they made in the Pichanaki drawing competition.
On the morning of Thursday 7th November, the Envol Vert team went to La Nueva Esperanza (district of Pichanaqui) to plant cedar (Cedrela odorata) and bolaina (Guazuma ulmifolia) saplings near the local school. It was the 135 students of the school who, with great enthusiasm, planted the trees that they will be able to see growing from the window of their school.
Plantation of a young tree by student from the Nueva Esperanza School
On the evening of Thursday 7 November, in Pichanaki, there was an open-air pro of the episode ‘Brazil, replanting the Amazon’ of the documentary series ‘Guardians of the forest’ produced by Arte. A total of 38 children, 35 women and 33 men were able to discover the commitment of Benki Piyãko, leader of a Brazilian Asháninka community, in the fight against deforestation in his territory, bordering Peru. The Asháninka leader Karen intervened after the screening to share her actions as a young Asháninka woman who is part of an indigenous collective.
Open-air screening of the documentary ‘Guardians of the forest’ in Pichanaki
Different games were carried out at the alternative education school, to make children aware of the importance of forests. This was the first activity and we plan to continue to intervene with these children and develop more activities and games that are accessible to them.
Awareness-raising activity with children from the alternative education school
On Thursday 14 November, a day of conferences on intercultural environmental management and climate change was held at the Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Selva Central Juan Santos Atahualpa. Throughout the day, there were videoconference interventions on climate change. Berenice (Head of Conservation Peru) intervened to present the forest footprint and raise public awareness on the impact of its consumption. Approximately 10 people attended in person and 10 virtually.
The activities carried out during the national forest week are fundamental as they invite the public to reflect on the importance of protecting and conserving Peruvian forests. Envol Vert was very happy to participate in the activities in each zone.
Every year, during the first week of November, the National Forest Week is celebrated throughout Peru, particularly in the Amazon region, with various activities: training, awareness-raising, reforestation, forums and various activities for the preservation of forests, native communities and the flora and fauna of Peru. This event is organised by the municipalities with the public actors working on forest resources, and civil society actors from the territories are invited. It is an event open to the public during which decisions on forest conservation can be taken.
The Envol Vert team actively participated in the activities that took place during the National Forest Week in Pichanaki and Tingo Maria, given its main objective and mission: the preservation and conservation of Peruvian forests.
Activities in Tingo Maria
On Thursday 31 October 2024 the forest week was opened with a speech by the committee and a mystical ceremony in the Botanical Garden of the UNAS (Universidad Agraria de la Selva). Among those present were the local press, the ATFFS (Forestry and Wildlife Technical Administration), the professional schools of the UNAS (Renewable Natural Resources, Environment, Forestry), the regional directorate of agriculture and CIMA (Cordillera Azul). It was a magical moment of connection with Pachamama, led by the professor in anthropology of the UNAS (Dr Casiano Aguirre) and the representative of the Bena Jema community. It allowed the public to make a payment to the earth, to reconnect to their roots, and to make a wish to the grandfather tree which is the Ojé. It was also a moment of commitment to the protection of nature.
The National Forest Forum 2024, held in Tingo Maria on 4 November, highlighted the need to strengthen actions against forest fires and promote sustainable forest management. In this framework, Envol Vert stood out with a detailed presentation on the European Union’s Zero Deforestation Law (EU-CEFD), highlighting its challenges and opportunities to curb forest loss in the region.
Through its pilot project implemented in the Peruvian Central Rainforest, Envol Vert presented an innovative methodology that combines training, monitoring and traceability to support small coffee producers. Envol Vert highlighted the strict requirements of European regulations, such as legality and geolocation of plots, and the impact these can have on local producers. We also emphasised the need for economic incentives and technical support to prevent the exclusion of farmers from the European market, highlighting the importance of responsible consumption that integrates sustainable and equitable solutions. A total of 30 people (16 men and 14 women) participated in the conference.
On Tuesday 5 November, an awareness-raising activity was held for young people in the community of Jacintillo. During the day, the interactive game ‘SAF vs Monocultures’ was used. In the game, two drawings were presented: one represented a monoculture and the other an agroforestry system. Through the activity, the young people understood that agroforestry systems not only promote economic diversification, but also contribute to the fight against climate change by taking advantage of the natural resources of the environment. A total of 50 young people participated.
On the 6th of November, the II Meeting of Entrepreneurs was held in the College of Engineers of Tingo MarÃa, in which Envol Vert participated with the presentation ‘Experience of the NGO Envol Vert in the creation of economic alternatives in the forest – Case of native bee honey entrepreneurs’. For this presentation, the beneficiary of the project Pedro Pablo Riofrio Calixto was invited to tell his experience as a participant in the Envol Vert project. A total of 20 people attended, including 12 women and 8 men.
On Thursday 7th November, a reforestation activity took place in the surroundings of the Mystic Lake, which suffered a fire a few months ago. Together with the ATFFS team and forestry engineering students from the Universidad Agraria de la Selva, 160 cedar, mahogany and bolaina seedlings were planted. The reforestation of this area will allow the preservation of the lagoon and its fauna.
Maximo and Chloé in Laguna Mistica © Gobierno de Huánuco
From Thursday 7 to Sunday 10 November, the Tingo MarÃa team participated in FICAFÉ, with two stands. One of them was dedicated to raising public awareness (with different dynamics: forest footprint, SuperBosque, and SAF vs Monoculture). The other stand sold the first harvest of native honey and some of our farmers’ products. Mr. Juan Gomez, a native bee honey farmer, was present and managed to sell all his products. Mr. Jemilson also participated with his son, who were selling the products of the Santa Lucia cooperative.
Activities in Pichanaki
On Monday 4th November the Pichanaki forest week started with its launch in the square. Present were representatives of different institutions such as SERFOR (Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre), INIA (Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agronómica), the municipality, the mayor, and representatives of native communities. After the speeches and formalities, there was a short dance initiated by the visitors from the villages.
Opening ceremony of the National Forest Week in Pichanaki
On Tuesday 5 November, the Envol Vert team supported the organisation and logistics of a drawing competition organised by an after-school activities association in Pichanaki. The 25 participants, aged 6 to 12, drew their pictures on the theme of the forest. The winners of the best drawings were awarded artistic material as prizes. For the Envol Vert team, it was an opportunity to sound out the children of Pichanaki about their knowledge of the forest.
Children with the drawings they made in the Pichanaki drawing competition.
On the morning of Thursday 7th November, the Envol Vert team went to La Nueva Esperanza (district of Pichanaqui) to plant cedar (Cedrela odorata) and bolaina (Guazuma ulmifolia) saplings near the local school. It was the 135 students of the school who, with great enthusiasm, planted the trees that they will be able to see growing from the window of their school.
Plantation of a young tree by student from the Nueva Esperanza School
On the evening of Thursday 7 November, in Pichanaki, there was an open-air pro of the episode ‘Brazil, replanting the Amazon’ of the documentary series ‘Guardians of the forest’ produced by Arte. A total of 38 children, 35 women and 33 men were able to discover the commitment of Benki Piyãko, leader of a Brazilian Asháninka community, in the fight against deforestation in his territory, bordering Peru. The Asháninka leader Karen intervened after the screening to share her actions as a young Asháninka woman who is part of an indigenous collective.
Open-air screening of the documentary ‘Guardians of the forest’ in Pichanaki
Different games were carried out at the alternative education school, to make children aware of the importance of forests. This was the first activity and we plan to continue to intervene with these children and develop more activities and games that are accessible to them.
Awareness-raising activity with children from the alternative education school
On Thursday 14 November, a day of conferences on intercultural environmental management and climate change was held at the Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Selva Central Juan Santos Atahualpa. Throughout the day, there were videoconference interventions on climate change. Berenice (Head of Conservation Peru) intervened to present the forest footprint and raise public awareness on the impact of its consumption. Approximately 10 people attended in person and 10 virtually.
The activities carried out during the national forest week are fundamental as they invite the public to reflect on the importance of protecting and conserving Peruvian forests. Envol Vert was very happy to participate in the activities in each zone.